Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tiger in the Toilet

Once a stranded tiger entered a washroom in a corporate office and hid in a dark corner. Since there were people outside the washroom through the day, the tiger was afraid to come out. Many people frequented the washroom, but the frightened tiger didn't touch anyone. However, after four days it couldn't bear hunger anymore, so it caught a man who had come in and ate him. This man happened to be an Assistant General manager in the organization, but nobody noticed his disappearance.

Since nothing untoward happened, the tiger became bold and after two days caught another man and tae him. This man was the General Manager of the organization. Still nobody worried over the disappearance.

Next day, the tiger caught the Vice President who was a terror in the organization. Again nothing happened. The tiger was very happy and decided that this was the perfect place for him to live.

The very next day the happy tiger caught a man who had entered the washroom while balancing a tray of teacups in one hand. The frightened man fell unconscious. Within fifteen minutes, a huge hue and cry ensued, and everyone in the office started looking for the man. he search team reached the washroom, flushed out the tiger and saved the unconscious man.

He was the tea supplier in the office.

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