Saturday, September 24, 2016

God Listens

A Sufi master was standing on his doorstep when he saw a teacher passing by with his pupils. "Where are you off to?" he asked. "We are going to pray that God puts a stop to corruption for He always heeds the prayers of children,"answered the teacher.

"A good education would have put an end to that already. Teach youngsters to be more responsible than their parents and uncles."The teacher felt offended - "What an example of lack of faith! The prayers of children can change anything!"

"God listens to those who pray. If only he listened to the prayers of children, there wouldn't be a single school in the whole country, for there is nothing they hate more than their teachers."

Friday, September 9, 2016

How big is God ?

A boy asked his Dad, "Dad, how big is God?"

Looking up at the sky, the father saw an aeroplane and asked his son, "How big is that aeroplane?"

The boy responded, " It's small, Dad! You can hardly even see it!"

Then the father took his son to an airport hanger. Standing in front of one of the aeroplanes, the father asked, "And now, how big is the aeroplane?"

The boy responded, " Oh Daddy, this plane is enormous."

At this point, the father said to him, "That's how it is with God. How big he is depends on the distance between you and Him. The closer you are to him, the bigger he is in your life"